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Integrated Therapies

After Mark survived the first critical days following his accident, we started to complement the conventional western medical practices that saved his life by adding integrative medicine. These healing arts include acupuncture and acupressure, osteopathy, Feldenkrais, Jin Shin Jyutsu, massage therapy, yoga, breathing and self-healing practices, and others. We are deeply grateful to the practitioners of these arts who came forward to help Mark along the road to recovery. We want to express this gratitude by endorsing herewith their valuable roles in the healing process.

Jin Shin Jyutsu–Lydee Scudder

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Japanese art for balancing the energy in the body. Similar in application to acupressure, Jin Shin Jyutsu uses gentle finger pressure on designated locations, called Safety Energy Locks, to remove blockages in the pathways through which energy flows in the body. When energy is flowing in a balanced way, the body’s natural powers of regeneration and self-healing can operate at full capacity.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ideal component of an integrative treatment plan involving different complementary therapies. Because Jin Shin Jyutsu works at a deep level and addresses underlying causes of imbalance, it can enable the individual to derive maximum benefit from other healing therapies.

I have been working with Mark since mid-October, 1999, shortly after he came home. Working with Mark and his family, and as part of a team of dedicated healing professionals, continues to be a rewarding experience beyond words.

For more information on Jin Shin Jyutsu, please visit my Web site at www.Lydee.com. If you have any questions about Jin Shin Jyutsu or my work with Mark, contact me at 707-874-1335 or email Lydee@Lydee.com.